Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blogs and Senior Writing

I've just been inspired to have my senior writing students create blogs which would be used much like an online journal. I'll have them use the blogs for free-writes and also for quick write topics that I give them. I'll keep a few "starter topics" on hand for kids who "don't know what to write about." I just have to wait until they all get their computers, but that should be soon. Since I only have 9 kids in that class, it should be easy to keep on top of the blogging. Now I need a blog grading rubric! Anyone know of one?


  1. Here is a good resource:

    There is a blog journal rubric on it!! Thanks to Dr. Grace for this. And also Laura Mazzola who is head of English at Leavitt.

    And if you don't have Google reader, get it. It aggregates blog feeds. You never have to click into nine blogs to read. They will all be sent to you whenever they are updated. It's a google product and easy to set up...I can help :)

  2. Thank you Amity! You are a tech goddess!
