Sunday, May 31, 2009

A legacy

Dave and I have no children. That was a choice and we do not regret it. However, I have about 75 to 100 "kids" a year. Many of them are trying at times, but I love working with them. Some of them, though, become very special to me.

A case in point is the young woman in the picture above. I had her in one or another of my classes for four years. I directed her in plays. We became close. So close that she once inadvertently called me "mama." I loved that.

She became an English teacher, and just this week got her Master's degree (with honors) from the City College of New York. She wrote the following to me after I sent her my congratulations and told her how proud I was of her. "Thank You Ms. Doughty! I had an amazing time :) And thanks for being the best English teacher ever and inspiring me to be a pretty darn good one myself :)"

That's a pretty good legacy, if I do say so myself.


  1. I have a delicious tag for posts like this:


    It's reserved for those items that are "the best pf the best".

    Congrats to you AND her!!
