Monday, May 11, 2009

The Leadership Role

I don't often think of myself as a leader. In fact, I generally prefer to be the "power behind the throne" as it were. If I lived in the past, I might be a court adviser, but I would never be the ruler. So I find myself in an odd position when it comes to the leadership role.

I prefer to lead by example. I do not want to push change on people, but when I see an option for using technology to "work smarter," I mention it. For example, our family and consumer sciences teacher was doing a unit called "From Steer to Steak." She had typed out and photocopied a collection of links for students to use while researching this subject. I happened to run into her in the teacher's room and I asked her about it. I said, "You know, you could put all these links on a wikispace and then the student's could just sign on and click the links." She was immediately intrigued and we made a date for me to come down and show her how to set up a wikispace. Some teachers have been receptive to this, others have not.

In addition, I have found that, come the fall, I will be the Department Head for the English Department at MVHS. I'm a little nervous. I know that I will be able to keep things organized and on track for the most part. I love to plan and organize. However, I will now be in the vanguard, no hiding behind others. It's a little nervewracking for me. But this is another examle of "working smarter." I love our current department head, but he will be the first one to admit that he is a bit...scattered. I love to organize and plan, so I think that I will be able to do a better job about keeping the department informed about what I call "administrivia." I also want to keep pushing technology. During this course, I have found so many wonderful sites that help teachers "work smarter, not harder." I hope my department members may find them useful.

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