Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

I love Dory (from the Disney/Pixar movie Finding Nemo). She is my role model for this year. I have a poster of her near my desk, reminding me to "just keep swimming." No matter what is going on this year, I just need to keep moving forward.

I have taken on a lot this year: I am department head, I am teaching 6 courses (for the first time in 19 years of teaching), of those courses, three are new, I am continuing my grad school work (which is frustrating because I am having trouble collecting data), and I am trying to still have a personal life and spend time with Dave and my family.

So when I feel overwhelmed (which is pretty much all the time right now), I remind myself of Dory and I "just keep swimming." Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't, but I just keep moving on.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking as a friend who has 10 preps a year (yes, 10, I'm not even kidding), is on 2 regular committees and probably a few new ones this year, as well as being a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, nanny.... Dory helps. Good motto for your year. Good luck!
