Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TPCK Chapter 5: TPCK: educating world language teachers

This chapter was not particularly applicable to me at this stage although I did enjoy thinking about language development. My kids are working on vocabulary building and, although they are sophomores and seniors in high school, they have little skill in pronunciation and word usage. This leads to rather humorous moments when we are going over them in class. Therefore, some of the interesting possibilities of using tech in the classroom come about.

I liked the idea of using a podcast to pronounce the words! This would be very helpful for my students. They would not feel as insecure or self-conscious when going over the words in class. I am sure that there are numerous other technologies available. I feel that I really must try to tap into that next year.


  1. This was a great presentation...Ruth, I love the FreeRice site, but I had no idea that you could change subjects! I feel a lot of free time spent on free rice coming up! (As soon as I get some free time, that is!) I also liked the different newspapers and podcasts available. I know that many of our teachers lament the lack of time to teach students. Looking at some of these real world examples would be a great way to reinforce concepts.

    Loved the CODA brothers! That was fantastic! I also enjoyed looking at the Google Lit Trips! Fun! I think I will use that site next year when I teach Night Sometimes it's hard for the kids to visualize where things happened. Now they will be able to "see" it on Google Earth. I am also going to send the BBC site to the World Language teachers at our high school. I think they will find it helpful.

  2. I also apologize for my overuse of exclamation points. Blame it on the Mountain Dew I had this afternoon.

  3. Yeah, I totally forgot to address the whole lit trips site. I'm glad that you saw it. I, too, find that kids have a bit of a hard time imaging/ bringing together all of the time period and site information around novels like Night. I love teaching Night but it makes me a little depressive. I try to alternate years in teaching it, but the kids respond so well to it that I end up teaching it every year. Maybe we could collaborate on a google earth adventure for our little Nighters next year???

  4. Meg,

    The Internet provides a vast array of tools that can be incorporated in the learning and teaching of world languages. High school students have opportunities to immerse themselves in technology to advance and supplement what they learn in class. I wish iPods would have been invented when I was trying to learn French! I really enjoyed your presentation of your comic life product.
