Wednesday, March 11, 2009

TPCK Chapter 10--The role of TPCK in physical education

I was interested in this chapter not so much because I love phys. ed. (obviously I don't), but because I wanted to see just how technology fit in with PE. When I think of PE, I think of athletes. And when I think technology, I generally think of geeks (in a good way! I'm a geek, after all. I love geeks.) Athletes and geeks generally do not go together. I am guilty of thinking of PE only as "gym" class, learning sports and games. I am also guilty of thinking that technology does not apply to that. But this chapter, and changing my outlook on just what technology is, has changed that impression.

So when I read about using heart monitors and databases as ways of using TPCK in PE class, it made sense. I sympathize with the idea of the cost of the equipment and the lack of budget money. I get that, we have similar problems in all areas of the school, however gym equipment is very expensive. One of the new pieces of technology being used in our school (and in our home, for that matter) is the Wii Fit. From personal experience, I can tell you that the Wii Fit is an amazing tool for for exercise and motivation. We often refer to our Wii Fit as "Wii-habilitation."

You see, about 5 years ago, Dave (my significant other) suffered a stroke due to uncontrolled high blood pressure. He has made a remarkable recovery, and much of that can be attributed to the Wii Fit. One of the things most affected by the stroke was his balance. Through using the Wii Fit he has gotten stronger, fitter and has improved his sense of balance significantly. The Wii Fit is used much like physical therapy. The difference? It's fun. Dave and I both love it, and we look forward to using it. How many people look forward to physical therapy? Not many. The Wii and Wii Fit are also being used for senior citizens as a way of getting them up and moving while having fun. This is something people of all ages can participate in and enjoy.

I think that video game programs like Wii Fit or Dance Dance Revolution have a place in the PE classroom. No, they are not "traditional" sports. But they get kids up and moving, they are motivated and they are having fun. They are becoming "fit" without even knowing it. I think that technology is going to have a profound impact on PE especially with the development of motion capture video. As that becomes less expensive and more common, I would expect to see that turn up in PE classes to help students get immediate feedback about their bodies and skills.

I did take issue with the idea that PE in unique in that it using building blocks and then proceeds to more complex skills as the grade levels increase. That is also the case with English, math, and most other disciplines. After all, you can't write an essay until you can write a sentence or paragraph, can you? But other than this, I found the chapter interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Amity,
    Like many others, I really liked the Girls Health website. It was down to earth, practical and not to "preachy" about health and fitness. I wonder if there is one out there for boys too? I also enjoyed the high school links.

    I really liked the Teachers Network site. Very cool site with a plethora of information. I loved the geo-caching site too. I enjoyed how integrated the unit was, and thought that kids would really have fun with it.

    Thanks for some great links!
